07 July 2012

Atherosclerosis Disease Hazards and How to Prevent it

Atherosclerosis is a form of disorder / disease that occurs in the arteries. Excessive cholesterol in the blood will be easily attached to the inner wall of the blood vessels. Furthermore, the LDL will penetrate the walls of blood vessels through the endothelial cell layer, into the lining of blood vessels in the intima more. The smaller size of LDL or the higher density of LDL was also more easily infiltrate into the intima layer. LDL is called small dense LDL.

LDL that has infiltrated into the intima layer will oxidize to form the first phase of oxidized LDL. -Oxidized LDL would stimulate the formation of substances that can attach and pull monocytes (a type of white blood cells) through the endothelial layer and into the intima-oxidized LDL in addition it also produces substances that can change the monocytes that have entered into the intima into macrophages.

Meanwhile, oxidized LDL-oxidation of the second phase will have to be perfect that oxidized LDL can transform macrophages into foam cells. Foam cells that formed would bond together to form clumps that grew large so as to form lumps that cause constriction of blood vessel lumen.

This situation will get worse due to oxidized LDL perfect will also stimulate the muscle cells lining blood vessels in the deeper (media) to get into the intima layer and then be split apart so that an increasing number of self.

The above shows that the occurrence of blockages in blood vessels is not as easy as we imagine. High cholesterol levels need to watch out for is the forerunner of the blockage of blood vessels, especially when it's raised the LDL cholesterol levels, which we know as fat "evil". If we look at the mechanism of formation of blood vessels above the blockage, the more dangerous LDL has a small size with high density or what is known as small-dense LDL.

Preventing food Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries increases the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. Doctors Foundry, nutritionist, writes about the omega 3 fatty acids, some of the specific vitamins and dietary fiber which has a role in the prevention of Atherosclerosis.

Recently, a role often omega-3 fatty acids to prevent Atherosclerosis. TSB fat. found in fish oil and certain vegetable products, al primrose oil. Dietary fiber (fiber dietery) is said to also prevent Atherosclerosis by inhibiting the absorption of fat in the intestine. However, the role of vitamin B6, nicotinic acid (nicotinamide), vitamin C and vitamin E seem to have not been much discussed, although some doctors already prescribe the types of types of vitamins for patients hiperlipidermia and vascular insufficiency.

B6 for the prevention of Atherosclerosis
In our body there are thousands of kinds of biochemical reactions known as metabolism. One of these reactions is the conversion of methionine into homositein. Methionine is an essential amino asarn in the protein. Compounds whose name homositein it is very dangerous because it may cause sludge Atherosclerotik in the artery wall. Vitamin B6 reduces levels sistationin homositein by converting it into harmless ones. Thus we understand why a deficiency of vitamin B6 may increase the risk of Atherosclerosis.

Fatty meat contains methionine, thereby increasing the risk of Atherosclerosis, excessive ingestion. In contrast, fruits and vegetables, like bananas, apples, tomatoes, carrots, onions and salt, rich in vitamin B6 which can overcome the above risks.

Sometimes there are doctors who prescribe nicotinic acid, in addition to antihiperlipidemika drug, for patients of patients of high blood cholesterol levels. Vitamin is better known as pellagra disease this drug was found to lower cholesterol levels are easily deposited on the artery wall (LDL and VLDL cholesterol). However, continuous use in high doses can cause side effects such as diabetes, peptic ulcers and liver disorders. Therefore, high doses of nicotinic acid should only be given upon your doctor's instructions.

Nicotinic acid is naturally present in grain husks (mashed rice, brown rice), nuts, meat, liver, kidney and fish. Similarly, yeast-containing nicotinic acid with a fairly high number. Rice has lost another nicotinic acid together with the loss of rice husk.

Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables, such as the cashew fruit, pineapple, oranges, tomatoes, lettuce and cabbage also has a role in the prevention of Atherosclerosis. His role may lie in the hydroxylation reaction that converts cholesterol become bile acids. Lack of vitamin C will stop the reaction, resulting in accumulation of cholesterol in the blood.

Vitainin C deficiency can also cause wounds like ulcers, on the walls of the arteries. These wounds can be the beginning of the process of Atherosclerosis.


Actually, the possibility of deficiencies of vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber, it will not happen if we eat foods that are both nutritious and balanced. Here are simple instructions for menururikan dietary cholesterol. The number and type of fat in the diet should be the primary consideration

A. Total fat intake should be reduced 25%, so the body gets more energy from hidratarang.

2. At least one-third of the remaining fat should be in the form of unsaturated fats (polyunsaturated).

3. Consumption of cereals, fruits and vegetables should be increased.

4. If the excess weight, food consumption should be reduced, as well as by extending the exercise.

5. Enter the type of cholesterol is reduced by avoiding foods that are rich in cholesterol: Limiting egg consumption (at most two eggs a week). Avoid eating offal and brains. Avoid eating shrimp, squid and crab curni. Change your eating habits gradually, gradually, do not make the change radically.

The compound is a material that suppresses the ability of cholesterol in the liver to form compounds sarnping propionate, which is the result of dietary fiber fermentation by gut bacteria, which are also considered to have the ability to inhibit cholesterol synthesis in the liver.

Based on the role of soluble dietary fiber that is why Dr. Anderson has also advised. Patient dyslipidemia patients to increase consumption of whole grains daily, especially oatmeal.

Several types of soluble dietary fiber that will be binding, not just the cholesterol or fat yang.berasal of food, but also the body's cholesterol production of our own that go, into the intestine through lymph, bile. In addition, compounds tokotrienol, propionic acid, and vitamin B. (Niacin) found in rice bran grains was found to suppress the formation of cholesterol in the liver.

Meal agar
To lower blood fat levels, of course you can follow the instructions given by a nutritionist. Or taking prescription anti-cholesterol drugs, but to suppress the formation of cholesterol in the liver and increases its binding in the gut that help us maintain cholesterol levels that are not at risk for coronary disease and the vascular lairmya penyum bridge, it would not hurt if we try to seed products whole grains, like oatmeal, besides food and soluble fiber source.

Do not Buy Food Gratuitous
Among his comrades, Angelina is known for delicious food, including fat foods such as baceman, Jeron, and fried brains. People with high cholesterol levels are of course likely to suffer from heart disorders. To cope with high levels of cholesterol are encouraged to consume more foods from fibrous plants such as grains, vegetables, and fruits.

Hazard threshold levels of cholesterol itself ranges from 200-240. But there was a note, for someone who does not smoke, no high blood pressure, and no offspring with heart disease do not have to worry. Because the 200 is still considered normal levels. Even so, it needs to maintain a balanced diet like that so and seaweed. By increasing the consumption of up to 50 g of fiber per day, perhaps in the extreme restriction of animal food, which caused frustration do not need to be done, especially for those who are accustomed to eat well.

Actually, the ideal diet for us is that still contains mashed rice husks, rice is the staple food given daily and is usually eaten in large quantities. But unfortunately, today is not easy to acquire the remaining rice husk. Fiber-rich whole grains that we can still get the red rice, jali, corn, green beans, oatmeal, barley, and rye as recommended Dr. Anderson. Last two products may only be purchased at large supermarkets that provide food for foreigners.

We may add the oatmeal and other cereal products, which are rich in soluble dietary fiber types in a low-cholesterol diet. But keep in mind, the consumption of dietary fiber that is too high can also cause bloating. Because fiber is fermented by the intestinal flora will to form gas. Similarly some types of certain minerals can be bound by the phytate compound contained in dietary fiber.

In addition, we need to know also that some preparations of nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids, lecithin, niacin, sitosterol, and others, can help lower blood cholesterol levels, although the effect may not be such a drastic lowering drugs, cholesterol such as statins.

In addition we need to realize, diet and nutritional preparations is just one effort to prevent some of the factors that can affect blood vessels. Other prevention efforts also need to be observed as a wrong lifestyle changes, proper exercise and regular use of leisure time for relaxation is an action that is not as important as diet and dietary adjustments

As one wise man in China (Ch i Po ± 2500 BC, after falling ill treated the same as digging wells when thirsty. So the effort to prevent heart attack by controlling risk factors factors certainly much better than medication at the time, a heart attack has occurred.

If levels of high cholesterol in our blood generally doctors will recommend a diet low in cholesterol. If necessary, give-lowering drugs in order to avoid the risk of coronary heart disease and other vascular disorders. But there are other ways that can help lower it while reducing the punishment due to a strict diet, that diet ala Dr. Anderson.

A dyslipidemia patients is generally recommended by nutritionists to avoid or reduce foods high in cholesterol and saturated fat. Dietary cholesterol is called low-fat diet is limited. Foods to avoid include the type of animal foods that are rich in cholesterol and saturated fats such as brain, organ meats, egg yolks, liver, and fatty meats, in addition to cooking oils that are rich in saturated fatty acids.

Even the type of cooking oil are often considered safe, such as soybean oil or corn, it is recommended to not consume excessive. Asarn because unsaturated fats contained in such oils may become saturated by heating or frying. The way how to cook like sauteing, cooking (mengetim), boiling, and roasting, frying are preferred over using more oil this way the input of cholesterol is not expected to exceed 300 mg per day.

Now after knowing the low-cholesterol diet as described above, there is nothing wrong if we also try to understand the rationale Dr. Anderson and then mengenall form his diet.

Doctors dietary fiber
James Anderson himself famous as an expert Dolder dietary fiber in Kentucky College of Medicine in the U.S. because of its activities for decades examined pharmacological role of high fiber foods.

Dr. Anderson argues that the reduction in blood fat levels not happen just because a diet free of fat but is also influenced by the diet foods that contain lots of fiber. This opinion will be understood if we are guided by theory, the rise in blood cholesterol is caused by an increase in its formation in the liver (which in normal circumstances would produce about 500 mg of cholesterol per day) and increased absorption of cholesterol from the enterohepatic cycle back through the small intestine.

When the liver can reduce cholesterol production flow which in turn is excreted via the bile into the intestinal lymph, while the re-absorption of cholesterol in the intestine can be inhibited by the binding of some of the sap of bile, then the re-absorption of cholesterol from the intestine is reduced and the levels in the blood can be decreased.

Based on this fact, several well-known drug manufacturer has made kolestipol and cholestyramine (Questran). Both drugs bind to cholesterol in the intestine to form the compound can not be absorbed by the intestine kornpleks.yang and will be issued with the same stool. Even recently, the manufacturer also produces the latest generation of anti-cholesterol drugs are derived from fungal metabolites and inhibit forms of cholesterol in the liver such as mevastatin and lovastatin.

The question we are now, is there any kind of food. works like a drug on the formation of cholesterol in the press?

Bran suppress cholesterol
Logically, dietary fiber will increase fecal mass so as to speed the journey of food in the intestinal tract. Thus the chance of colon absorbs fat and sugar will be reduced. Fiber work mengalangi fat absorption is increasingly clear again on the type of soluble fiber (solusable dietary fiber). Soluble dietary fiber which has the properties of thick and sticky, as seen on oatmeal porridge and seaweed (agar-agar).

Dr. John H Cummings.dari. Dunn Clinical Nutrition Centre Cambridge, Inggns. found that if the substance of the cell wall in some plant foods in the extraction and then the results are mixed with water extraction, maka.jumlah water absorbed into the extraction can achieve about ten times as much. Fibers that contain lots of water will be. Binds bile acids, which are indispensable in the process of fat absorption in the intestine. Dr. Cuniming also found a pentose, a form of complex carbohydrate in foods that enhance cell wall mass of feces.

While other experts such as Dr. Qureshi ~ of Cereal Products Research Unit, U.S. Department of Agriculture, found that the compound, called tokotrieno in the bran, wheat, barley, and rye.

Or Fat Not skinny benchmark
After doing general check up Angelina (39) was surprised of the laboratory results are received. Berputra mother of three is proved to have cholesterol levels that are included in the danger threshold. His friends also wonder why you are thin but high cholesterol? Apparently the high and low. blood cholesterol levels has nothing to do with a skinny or fat badan.seseorang. But: closely related to diet. If a person consumes a lot of fatty foods, such as offal which was savory and delicious; of course, high cholesterol levels can

That's why his friends do not comment just because a lean and hard body fat, and may eat

Tempe, anti-cholesterol foods

There are controversial views about the efficacy of vitamin E as an activator rnikrosirkulasi. Some reports did mention that the cases of ischemic heart disease and intermittent claudication (leg Atherosclerosis with symptoms of cramps and pains), respond well to the administration of megadose vitamin E. Just keep in mind that vitamin E is not water soluble vitamins, so the excess can not be removed by the kidneys. The use of megadose vitamin E should be under the supervision


Choose meat / chicken / fish and discard thin blubber seen all the material before it is cooked. Throw the chicken skin before cooking, do not eat ass and cock head. Try to choose chicken instead of chicken broiler / country. Cut the chicken meat and a small little to remind us not to eat too much meat.
Do not eat sausage, ham, corned beef, and types of processed meat.
Eat more fish are boiled, baked and not fried
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially fresh vegetables.
Eat whole cereals (rice mash. Corn, etc.).
Use unsaturated margarine and oils (low calorie and low fat margarine, corn oil; soybean oil), oil instead of butter and animal.
Do not use too much oil and margarine
Act for the use of full cream milk with skim milk or soy milk. Choose cheese instead of cottage cheese, cheese, plain.
Do not eat fried foods like potato chips, chips, fried chicken, hamburgers, pizza, etc. every day.
Eat more soy products like tempeh and tofu as a meat substitute.


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